Striving to preserve and enhance the Catholic and Jesuit character of St. John’s College. We welcome people of diverse cultural and faith backgrounds to join us in the pursuit of spiritual growth. We are dedicated to educating “men and women for others” who put their faith into action in the pursuit of justice cultivating a community in which all may discover the fullness of life.Mission: Striving to preserve and enhance the Catholic and Jesuit character of St. John’s College. We welcome people of diverse cultural and faith backgrounds to join us in the pursuit of spiritual growth. We are dedicated to educating “men and women for others” who put their faith into action in the pursuit of justice cultivating a community in which all may discover the fullness of life.
Our office is led by the Director of Campus Ministry with the help of members of the student body who make up the executive team. The work of our office, which has an open-door policy, includes recruiting the student body to attend the functions hosted by the office of the Campus Ministry. More specifically, their responsibilities include community service catering to our apostolates — St. Martin de Porres Primary School and St. John’s College High School.
Some activities that we do from our office:
Encounter retreats: Each semester, the office plans the popular Encounter Retreat in which senior students invite junior students to be a part of a weekend of enlightenment and moments of theophanies. One retreat is in March, and the other in November. At the end of the weekend, students feel uplifted, making bonds and new friendship.
Faith Sharing: Faculty and Students meet for 30 minute sessions of Bible verse readings, analysis and perspectives. Students share their personal testimonies depicting the themes chosen for the faith sharing. Faculty faith sharing include Lectio Divina and Imaginative Contemplation as a form of connection and bond as a faculty working together for the Greater Glory of God.
Ignatian Lunch: Twice per semester, students are invited to join us for lunch, as we discuss the life and works of St. Ignatius of Loyola. All lunches include an Examen and/or spiritual exercises.
Ignatian Evenings: Once a month, faculty is invited for meetings discussing the mission and vision of St. Ignatius of Loyola as well as of the Society of Jesus. The objective is to successfully be fully present as a Jesuit faculty, meeting and living the expectations of the society.
Agape Latte: Once a month, the office invites SJCJC alumni to give a motivational talk, focusing on their work in giving back to their Belizean community. Students are invited to free coffee and snacks as they listen and participate in the discussion.
Prison Visit: Once per month, the members of the CM attend mass at the Belize Central Prison. This visit- a community service project—incorporates the members of the choir and the liturgical committee to share prayer with the inmates of the prison. During Christmas, the office extends extra care by baking goods for the inmates.
Hike: As part of the activities offered at the CM, students can join our hiking adventure once per semester to Ben’s Bluff found in the Cockscomb area. The location is under Belize Audubon’s protected parks. At the summit, it is customary for a spiritual Examen to take place, followed by a quick swim on our way back down to the camp site.
Masses: Once a month, the office plans a mass for the entire student body, held at the Fordyce Chapel. Both faculty and students lead the mass officiated by the Jesuit priest assigned to work with the office. All masses are musically led by the Treble Makers Choir, and we celebrate special feasts and occasions, and yearly themes such as: Independence Day, Feast of the Holy Rosary, Garifuna Settlement Day, Advent, New Years, Lent, Feast of the Holy Spirit. Click to view Mass of the Holy Spirt September 2nd, 2020
Choir: The choir is made us of students who volunteer their time in preparing for the mass with the objective to have the service lively, meeting the needs of the congregation.
Outreach Programs: Working with our apostolates, the CM office participates in the many activities that raise funds for those in need.