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The Office of the Registrar plays a vital role in supporting student success by managing key academic services. These include student enrollment, course registration, and maintaining academic records and transcripts. The office also provides essential support to faculty and administrative departments, regularly compiling enrollment statistics for institutional use. Additionally, the office handles data requests from external agencies, ensuring accurate and timely reporting.


Office Location: 2nd Floor, Dieckman Hall

Office Hours: Monday to Thursday - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Friday - 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Meet the Team


Mrs. Odilia Pech

Ms. Delsie Valdez

Associate Registrar

Core Functions

Our Services

Directed Study

IMPORTANT: Permission for an independent study course must be granted by the Dean in consultation with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Registrar.  Permission to take a course independently must be granted before approaching a faculty member

Transfer of Courses

IMPORTANT: This form is to be used for approval of any courses that a regularly-enrolled student or student on leave wishes to take at another college/university. The form should be filled out before a course is taken. Otherwise, the student risks the possibility of future difficulties with meeting program requirements.

Drop/Add Form

Students can add or drop a course during add/drop week at the beginning of each semester.

Enrollment Verification

Application for verification of attendance. 

Audit Switch

This form is to be filled by students who want to switch from audited to credit courses.

Program Change

IMPORTANT: Deadline: one (1) week prior to registration dates scheduled for the semester in which a student plans to change.

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