Adelaide Sabido
Oct 29, 2024
SJC participates on Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice
SJC participates on Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice
Reflecting on an inspiring journey, we’re thrilled to welcome back our student leaders from the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice held in Washington, D.C.! Joining thousands of passionate advocates from Jesuit schools across the United States, our students engaged in powerful discussions and workshops on critical issues, including environmental justice, immigration reform, and racial equality.
The Teach-In provided an invaluable opportunity for our students to deepen their understanding of social justice and to connect with others committed to advocacy and change. They returned equipped with fresh insights and a renewed passion to make a positive impact within our community and beyond.
We’re so proud of their dedication and can’t wait to see the meaningful change they’ll bring back home. Congratulations to our student leaders in Campus Ministry for representing SJC University with such commitment and heart!
Welcome home, advocates for justice!