ACC 101
Principles of Accounting I
Authors: John Wild and Ken Shaw
Title: Fundamental Accounting Principles 20th Edition
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Irwin
ISBN #: 9780077338251

Authors: -
Title: Learning QuickBooks Step-by-Step Seminar 1, 3rd Edition
Publisher: The Sleeter Group
ISBN #: 9781932487602

ACC 102
Principles of Accounting II
Authors: John Wild and Ken Shaw
Title: Fundamental Accounting Principles 20th Edition
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Irwin
ISBN #: 9780077338251

ACC 215
Intermediate Cost and Managerial Accounting I
Authors: Sleeter, Doug
Title: CXC CAPE Accounting Unit 2 For Self-Study and Distance Learning
Provided by Instructor
Computer Applications in Accounting
ACC 205
Authors: Biafore,Bonnie
Title: Guide to QuickBooks 2014
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
ISBN #:9781449341756

ACC 216
Intermediate Cost and Managerial Accounting II
Authors: Sleeter, Doug
Title: CXC CAPE Accounting Unit 2 For Self-Study and Distance Learning
Provided by Instructor
ART 105
Foundations in Drawing
Provided by Instructor
Foundations in Painting
ART 110
Provided by Instructor
ART 113
Provided by Instructor
Art Appreciation
ART 118
Provided by Instructor
ASCI 1300
Aviation Weather
Provided by Instructor
ASCI 1510
Air Transportation System
Provided by Instructor
ASCI 1850
Safety Management Systems
Provided by Instructor
ASCI 2250
Aviation and Airport Security
Provided by Instructor
ASCI 2750
Accident Investigation
Provided by Instructor
BIO 101
Central Concepts in Biology
Provided by Instructor
BIO 231
Evolution and Biodiversity
Authors: Campbell, et al.
Title: Biology: Concepts and Connections
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN #: 9780321526502

Plant Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 240
Authors: Campbell, et al
Title: Biology: Concepts and Connections
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN #: 9780321526502

BIO 241L
Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Authors: Guerra, Leiva & Gardiner
Title: Lab Manual

BIOL 1300L
Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
BIOL 2200
Title: Microbiology: The Human Experience 2 nd ed.
BIO 131
Cellular Biology
Authors: Campbell, et al
Title: Biology: Concepts and Connections
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN #: 9780321526502

BIO 231L
Evolution and Biodiversity Lab
Authors: Guerra, Leiva & Gardiner
Title: Lab Manual
Plant Anatomy and Physiology Lab
BIO 240L
Authors: Guerra, Leiva & Gardiner
Title: Lab Manual
BIO 242
Human Health and Disease
Authors: Fosbery, R. (1997)
Title: Biology: Human Health and Disease
Publisher: Cambridge Modular Sciences
ISBN #: 9780521421591

BIO 232
BIO 131L
Cellular Biology LAB
Authors: Guerra, Leiva & Gardiner
Title: Lab Manual
BIO 232
Authors: Campbell, et al
Title: Biology: Concepts and Connections
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN #: 9780321526502

Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 241
Authors: Campbell, et al
Title: Biology: Concepts and Connections
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN #: 9780321526502

BIOL 1300
Human Anatomy & Physiology I
Authors: Colbert, Ankney, & Lee. (2020)
Title: Anatomy, Physiology, and Disease: An Interactive Journey for Health Professionals.
BIOL 1320
Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Authors: Colbert, Ankney, & Lee. (2020)
Title: Anatomy, Physiology, and Disease: An Interactive Journey for Health Professionals.
BIOL 1320L
Human Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
BIOL 2200L
Microbiology Lab
BUS 105
Principles of Management
Authors: Williams, Chuck
Title: MGMT: Principles of Management (Book and Coursemate Access Card) 8th Edition
Publisher: South-Western College
ISBN #: 9781285867502

BUS 223
Business Finance
Authors: Gitman, L.J.
Title: Principles of Managerial Finance 12th Edition
Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall.
ISBN #: 9780321524133

BUS 251
Business Communication
Authors: Bovee, C., & Thill, J.
Title: Business Communication Today (11th Edition)
Publisher:Pearson New Jersey: Prentice Hall
ISBN#: 9780132539555

BUS 213
Principles of Marketing
Authors: Grewal, Dhruv & Levy, Michael
Title: Marketing 5th Edition
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Irwin
ISBN #: 9780077729028

BUS 224
Business Ethics
Authors: Manuel G. Velasquez
Title: Business Ethics: Concepts & Cases 6th ed
Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall 2006

BUS 252
Small Business Management
Authors: Hodgetts,Kuratko,Burlingme& Culbrandsen
Title:Small Business Management Essential Tools and Skills for Entrepreneurial Success
ISBN#: 9780470111260

BUS 222
Business Law
Authors: Adam, A.
Title: Law for Business Student (5th Edition)
Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall. I
ISBN #:9781449341756

BUS 243
Business Internship